
In the epoch of 2040, our species had advanced exponentially, the fields of science and technology flourishing beyond the wildest dreams of our ancestors. Yet, in the midst of this renaissance, the corporation ApexGen wielded the future like a weapon, treading into territories where none dared before. They had unearthed an extraterrestrial technology, a bio-orchestrator capable of rewriting the blueprint of life, the DNA. The perversion of this power resulted in the creation of grotesque amalgams of human and animal lifeforms.

Our world's governance, ensnared by ApexGen's influence, played the role of the willfully blind custodian, permitting these grotesque bio-manipulations. The powers that be reckoned without the watchful eyes of the Vynax, a highly evolved cosmic entity from beyond our known universe.

The Vynax had been quietly spectating our progress, observing our rise, fall, and rise again. Our path, paved with destruction and recklessness, repulsed them. In the twisted creations of ApexGen, they saw the last in a series of unforgivable sins, compelling them to interfere.

Unheralded, the once serene skies of Earth teemed with the hovering silhouettes of Vynax vessels. They had arrived with a single-minded purpose: to put a full stop to the nightmare sown by ApexGen and dismantle the human reign.

Terror pulsed through the veins of humanity as the extraterrestrial beings commenced their offensive. Cities crumbled under their superior might, millions of lives snuffed out as the Vynax moved with ruthless efficiency, leaving behind a trail of debris and ashes.

Despite the colossal onslaught, a single metropolis, Cyclosa, held its ground. Its advanced technological barricades and elite defense force managed to withstand the alien attacks, thereby holding a glimmer of hope amidst the widespread destruction.

The inhabitants of Cyclosa represented the remaining vestiges of our species, their survival a testament to their perseverance, albeit at the cost of the world outside. Amidst the ruins, they lived as the sole torchbearers of humanity, their city a solitary oasis amidst an expanse of devastation.

Having accomplished their objective, the Vynax vacated the Earth, leaving behind a desolate, lifeless world. The alien encounter had irrevocably marked the denizens of Cyclosa; they had sacrificed much, but their resolve remained unshaken.

The metropolis of Cyclosa came to be known as the final bastion of mankind. The inhabitants swore an oath on their technological prowess and wisdom to ensure the endurance of their kin, and to reclaim the homeworld from the cosmic entities that had once razed it to the ground.