
Borne from the tainted ruins of Cyclosa, the faction known as the Infected cast an eerie, abhorrent shadow over the city's intricate sociopolitical tapestry. Once ordinary citizens, these tragic victims were subjected to a Vynax-originated biotoxin during the initial onslaught. The malignant substance mutated their biology, morphing them into entities more reminiscent of the living dead of antiquated horror tales than the vibrant humanity they once embodied. Their bodies, decaying yet undying, were driven by an insatiable hunger, a craving for the warm sustenance of flesh.

Ground zero for this horrific transformation was the sector of Cyclosa where the Vynax's bioweapon had the greatest concentration. The city's residents initially fell into a death-like stupor as the toxin coursed through their veins, only to awaken in a twisted mockery of life. Bereft of their former identities, they roamed the dilapidated streets of their home, their once familiar faces twisted by hunger into monstrous visages, hunting and consuming with primal ferocity.

Yet beneath this mindless, beast-like veneer, a chilling degree of coordination and strategy emerged. The Infected demonstrated an ability to swarm with calculated precision, hinting at a shared consciousness or a shared directive. Theories swirled among the survivors: could the Infected be puppeteered by some remnant Vynax consciousness or rogue AI lurking in the shadows? Or perhaps a group of uninfected survivors found a way to manipulate the Infected to their advantage. The truth remained shrouded in the grim fog of the city's underbelly.

The Infected embodied a relentless, merciless threat to Cyclosa's factions, uninterested in the dance of power or territorial control that preoccupied their living counterparts. Their voracious, ceaseless pursuit was aimed at one chilling end: to consume living flesh. Their looming presence introduced an ever-present sense of terror, transforming once safe streets into treacherous hunting grounds. And so, each faction, from the Scions in their lofty towers to the Ravagers in their reclaimed ruins, learnt one hard fact - the Infected were an aberration to be avoided at all costs.